The Super Duper Huge Challenge
May 2nd – May 27th
Learn More & Register For The Challenge Now
Members (Partner Challenge)
Members Internal Challenge (No Partner)
Hit your fitness goals, spread the love of your beloved group fitness gym, and win some serious $$$.
Challenge Details:
🗣🗣 Members 🗣🗣
This is a great time for you to focus on some of your fitness goals, workout with your friends, and win some $$. In Motion Fitness grows because of you so we reward you BIG TIME for participating in the partner challenge.
Joining in on a team will get 4 weeks of unlimited instructor-led classes, new-member orientation, and body composition analysis…for $50. We cater to those that are just beginning their fitness journey that will be susceptible to muscle soreness. Not new to fitness but looking for something new in this challenge? We’ll be sure to push you 💪.
**Non-members are NOT eligible to participate in this event if you have previously signed up for any other promotional offer in the last 6 months.
Rewards For Winning:
🥇1st Place Teams
Member wins – 3 free months
‘Non-Member’ – Wins $250 towards your membership
🥈2nd Place
Member wins – 2 free months
‘Non-Member’ – Wins $200 towards your membership each
🥉3rd Place
Member Wins -1 free month
‘Non-member’ – $150 towards your membership each
***Members receive 1000 reward points, equivalent of 1 free month when their partner joins In Motion Fitness
How To Win + Details:
✅ Free for Members, $50 for non-members
✅ Once you register, you’ll receive information on when to get your InBody completed
How To Win Point System:
🤩 10 points for each lb of muscle mass gained (partial points counted)
💪 5 points for each pound of body fat lost (partial points counted)
🎟 3 points for each weekly event attended (this will be announced)
▶️ 1 point each time the member and non-member attend a class
💑 All points are added to your team total
🚨 Additional point opportunities will be announced during the challenge
Frequently Asked Question’s
Do I have to workout with my partner?
Nope, you don’t have to workout with your partner. Find a class time that works best for your schedule.
What class will I do?
Whether you’re a member or non-member, everyone will be participating in the same class. However, the non-members will be working with Megan or Andrew as they introduce new movements and intensity throughout the month. Some of the exercises will be subbed-out as we gradully build you up during the challenge. The workouts will be approripate for your fitness level.
How do I win?
You will earn points for each workout attended (1 per day), completing your InBody (as well as points for muscle gained and fat loss), and attending events/seminars.
What is group training?
We happen to think our coaches are awesome which makes the classes all that more enjoyable!
What can I expect during a workout?
The endurance portion focuses on exercises that promote endurance and stamina. This is generally higher reps, less weight and interval training.
We believe this combination of strength and endurance is the perfect balance to help your body be the most fit it can be. You can learn more about our classes here.
How sore will I be?
How sore should I expect to be?
Our goal is to make sure you cannot move the next day without wanting to yell an uplifting 4 letter word. Just kidding!
With that said being sore is a part of the process, especially if you are just getting back into a workout routine. However, you shouldn’t be so sore that you can’t function or that it is painful to move. It is common for your first week or two to be a bit challenging. Sitting down and getting up, especially from the toilet, can be a challenge (and here we thought that was supposed to be relaxing…).
Soreness is our body’s way of letting us know that we did some damage (good damage) to our muscles. This damage is necessary for the muscles to rebuild and become stronger. After a week or two, the soreness will subside.
If you are extremely sore or too sore to function, you need to address this with your coach so that we can adjust the program.
The best possible thing that you can do for soreness is to be active. Foam roll over the sore areas for 30–45 seconds at a time a few times per day, drink plenty of water, and go for a 30-minute walk to loosen up and increase blood flow. The activity will bring blood and valuable nutrients to the muscles to help them recover.
Whatever you do, ABSOLUTELY DO NOT skip your next workout. We can always adjust the program for you, but skipping the workout will not help you reach your goals. As your body adapts to the training, you will become less sore over time. We also want to start reinforcing the habit of getting to the gym. Skipping your second or third workout makes it too easy to stop coming altogether.
What is the best time of day to work out?
There is no perfect time to work out. The best time to work out is the time that you have available.
Find a time that is free of other distractions and that you can put in your schedule like any other appointment. This is the best time to work out—because you will actually do it!
How much water should I drink?
While that might sound like a lot, you don’t have to get 100 oz in right away. Start by drinking 12–16 oz at each meal, and try to get in 12 oz between meals as well. Before and after your workout, drink another 12 oz, and you should be close to reaching your goals. Breaking it down into small amounts will make it much more manageable.
Oh, and you can’t count soda (even diet), coffee, or tea towards your water total! Nice try…
How much “extra” training/cardio should I do?
If you are eating right and doing everything else we ask of you, then 3-4 days of training is perfect for most people. You are busy and don’t have the time to train 6 days per week for hours at a time.
There is also no need for added cardio. You can stay active on your off days and go for a walk, enjoy a jog, or do something else you love to do. Get outside, be with friends and family, and enjoy other healthy activities.
At some point, if your goal is to get really lean, then you may need to change your nutrition plan. This should be discussed with your coach when you get to this stage.
How do I know if I am training enough?
Before thinking about adding training days, ask yourself:
Am I eating according to my plan at least 90% of the time?
Am I putting everything I have into each workout I currently do?
Am I sleeping and recovering well?
If you can’t answer yes to all three questions, you don’t need to increase your training to get better results. We need to focus on the other factors first, and then we can help you reach your goals faster.
Most of us live our lives in a state of stress. We are stressed at work, with kids, and at home, and we don’t get in proper nutrition or sleep. This all leads to our bodies being overworked and inflamed, which keeps us from getting the results we want and forces our body to hold on to fat. If you want better results, think of what you are doing in the 165 hours you spend outside of the gym each week before we add another hour to it!
What should I eat before a workout?
If you train early in the morning, it would be wise to have a meal replacement shake or another form of fast-digesting protein 30 minutes prior to your workout. We suggest AdvoCare meal replacements as they have an optimal amount of protein and carbs to fuel your workout. If you can’t stomach food early in the morning before your workout, you might be able to tolerate 5g of BCAAs prior to your workout to help maintain your lean muscle mass and recover from your workouts. A great option for this is catalyst. We want to make sure that you hold onto muscle mass to give you that toned athletic look. (Don’t worry about remembering all of this. We cover this at our first meeting!)
If you train mid-morning or later in the day, you can have 20–30g of protein before your workout. Your other meals should allow you to be well fed and prepared to handle the training session. Nutrition is KEY in your workouts and to see reach your fitness goals.
What should I eat after a workout?
If you are looking for something in a hurry, Post Workout Recovery is a perfect combination of protein to carbs(no worries we will add this to our list of recommendations as well).
Ideally, you want to take in 20–30 g of protein and depending on your goals a modest amount of carbs. If your goal is fat loss, you would shoot for 25–30 g of carbs after your workout. If your goal is to gain strength or add muscle, shoot for 30–60 g of carbs after your workout. This is very individual, but you will learn over time what your body needs. If you have specific questions, ask a coach.
Keeping fats to a minimum and avoiding fruits as your carb source during this period (within 60 minutes after your workout) is important. Fruits don’t provide your body with the right type of carbohydrate to repair your muscles, and fats slow down the digestion process. Both of these things can keep you from accelerating your gains and recovering fully before the next session.
Great carb sources are sweet potatoes, plantains, white rice, or butternut squash.
What supplements should I take?
Therefore, we recommend a few supplements for most of our clients. Others might be recommended depending on your goals.
High Quality Multi Vitamin—To ensure you are getting all your vitamins and minerals, a multi-vitamin is a must. This is a coverall and ensures you have the necessary components in your diet to keep you healthy. Men and women also have different needs, so you need to ensure you have a gender-specific vitamin. The multi-vitamin we recommend is CorePlex
Greens Supplement—Even with a multivitamin we also recommend a Greens Supplement that includes probiotics to keep your gut healthy. These supplements help with reducing inflammation, promoting gut health, and boosting immune function. AdvoGreens provide a great drink to sip on throughout the day.
High Quality Fish Oil or Omega 3 Supplement—To ensure you are getting enough of this essential fat in your diet, a supplement is very important. A balanced diet often does not provide enough omega-3 fats. The research is pretty clear that fish oil is critical for reducing inflammation in the body and keeping you healthy. Look for high quality fish or krill oils that have high levels of DHA and EPA. We recommend AdvoCare OmegaPlex.
Vitamin D3—Athough vitamin D can be obtained through adequate exposure to sunlight, most of us don’t get enough for us to have healthy levels. We recommend taking 2000-10,000 IU of D3 each day. Consult your physician if you have concerns about taking these recommended dosages. You can find vitamin D3 at any drug store or grocery. The amount you need is very individual based on the time of year and how much exposure to sun you are getting naturally.
D3 is key for your immune system, hormones, and much more. Many Americans are deficient in vitamin D and need supplementation.
*NOTE: Vitamin D3 is a fat soluble vitamin, so you should take it with food or a meal that includes some levels of fat.
Whey Protein—This is something that can be added in for convenience or to ensure you are getting enough protein in your diet. Many people handle whey very well, and it makes for a quick and easy protein addition for snacks or meals.
Finding a high-quality protein that has very few additional ingredients is important so that you are staying as close to the natural product as possible.
How many meals should I eat?
Ideally, you should keep your eating schedule consistent. Focus on eating 3 meals a day and one snack. If you have trouble with 3 meals a day, then you may prefer 2 meals and 2 snacks. The goal is to eat enough to keep you performing and feeling well.
On days that you work out, you should consume something 60-90 minutes pre-workout and within 60 minutes of your workout for recovery purposes.
Do your best not to skip meals when just starting out on your program. Fueling your body with good, healthy foods will go a lot further than trying to restrict your calories by not eating.
Is fat bad for me? Will eating fat make me fat?
Not in our nutrition plan! Not in any healthy nutrition plan, really. Eating fat does not cause the body to store excess fat. In fact, just the opposite, you need to eat fats for your body to burn your excess body fat and to maintain a healthy body/optimize performance. Fat is actually stored on our bodies more easily from starches and carbs than it is from fats.
Now that we have removed grains and other starches from your nutrition plan and taken out processed foods, you need to replace those empty calories with healthy fats.
Good fats include coconut oil, coconut butter, almond butter, cashew butter, extra virgin olive oil, animal fats, clarified butter/ghee or pastured grass-fed butter, avocados, and nuts (excluding peanuts). Eating some of these will help keep you healthy and optimize your fat burning.
Are carbs bad?
Some people and body types handle carbs better than others. Finding your individual “sweet spot” when it comes to carb intake is important. Most people that want to lose fat need to keep their carb levels to under 150g per day, and probably closer to 50-100g per day. These carbs would also only be consumed on days that you work out or perform strength training.