by Megan Higginbotham | May 16, 2017 | Nutrition
Written by Megan Higginbotham You know those people who say the first 10 pounds is the easiest to lose? Well there is some truth to that. There are different stages to weight loss and eventually you hit a point where your body is happy with the weight you are at and...
by Megan Higginbotham | Jan 17, 2017 | Fitness
The squat is one of the best exercises that you can perform in the weight room. The barbell back squat is one of the best forms of squat for increasing muscle and endurance. Unfortunately, many people perform this incorrectly. When you perform this movement...
by Megan Higginbotham | Jan 2, 2017 | Nutrition
Need some simple ways to improve your health? Look no further. Here are 20 steps you can take today to improve your health. Take your time eating. The food won’t run away (most of the time). This gives your body the proper time to digest and store the food Wait 20-30...
by Megan Higginbotham | Jan 2, 2017 | Fitness
The squat is something that we do every single day, many times. When we sit down in a chair, when we use the bathroom, when we get in and out of our car, and more. We love to squat, whether we realize it or not! Squats rank as one of the best exercises for increasing...
by Megan Higginbotham | Oct 6, 2016 | Nutrition
If you watch television or read online you are inundated with different opinions on what proper nutrition should be. Is Coffee bad or good for you? How much salt, carbs, and fats should I consume? Should I eat just the yolk or the white of eggs? Should I eat refined...